You will not have to think about the management of policies and related claims anymore
The service provided by a broker is of paramount importance. Who works with us knows it and appreciate.
We really care about our image and to the relationship with our clients who, if fully satisfied, will become our best advertisement. Ask anybody who already knows us for references.
We are sure that they will confirm to you our staff's professionalism, their courtesy and promptness in dealing with any request, flexibility and availability to solve any case of urgency whatever the time and regardless of holidays.
Response time is reduced to the minimum. In sectors for which we are authorised to underwrite risks, we are able to confirm insurance within a few minutes. Policies’ wordings are constantly updated so that we may always offer high level products and complete cover. You may be surprised to see that the companies we approach vary from class to class of insurance.
Pur rivolgendoci unicamente ad assicuratori italiani e stranieri di primissimo piano, siamo della convinzione che non esista una Compagnia in grado di offrire il miglior prodotto in tutti i settori. Scegliamo infatti da ognuna di esse la o le polizze la cui normativa e la cui tariffa risponde alle nostre aspettative, scartando invece quei rami nei quali la stessa Compagnia non è competitiva.
Ciò richiede un grande impegno ed un elevato grado di preparazione, che i nostri Clienti hanno imparato ad apprezzare.
Per alcuni tipi di rischi operiamo direttamente con i Lloyd's di cui siamo corrispondenti e Coverholders dal 1991. Questo rapporto di fiducia concessoci dai più importanti assicuratori del mondo è una ulteriore conferma della nostra serietà e competenza. E questo rapporto permette ai nostri Clienti di trovare soluzione a qualsiasi esigenza assicurativa, anche la più strana o inconsueta.
Correspondents and Coverholders of Lloyds of London
Leader in the aeronautical risks for General Aviation.
Industrial Risks expert for over 70 years
Constantly looking for the best relationship between quality and premium

Our founding members have grown as underwriters in the industrial sector risks
Our work starts from a examination of the prevention systems in place and the opportunity to intervene to hold to a minimum the possible risks, both to the the company and to people.
Our task will be to analyse the risk, reduce it where possible and propose insurance solutions where the risk is not eliminable.
Our goal will be to propose better conditions at a lower overall cost.

We take care of your personal assets
We will propose you all risks policies not only for boats and aircrafts, but for your house, collection of arts, paintings, furs, jewels and all of your belongings, including the most valuable asset: family.
For example, if you are and actor or a top model, a surgeon or a dancer, we could ensure your face, hands or legs with a specific coverage according to your profession of favourite sport.
If you are a hotel chain, a ship owner or if you deal with transportation, we will propose specific coverages. If you are an event organizer, we could ensure every related risk, including… the premium to pay in case of victory!

We are considered the more competent and leading company in the in the aeronautical risks for General Aviation.
What is better than an insurance broker company whose CEO is an expert pilot and flight instructor?
Nobody else could know better than us the needs of a pilot, the responsibilities of an operator, the risks of an owner and the rules and laws that may differ from country to country.
No other broker is an expert of aeronautical risks and introduced into the global insurance markets at the same time. This allows to take advantage of the opportunities offered from the liberalization of the market.

In this field we boast an experience capable to satisfy every boat owner or the operator.
The boat owner or the operator must be able to navigate serenely and to do so he needs to have a good coverage of both the boat and the relative liability. But this is not enough.
He might need an expert to do a pre-buy inspection to know before buying what needs to be repaired. He may require a prior evaluation of the value of the boat or ship to be purchased.
He needs assistance when something threatens to spoil his holiday. It is necessary that his broker asks for an immediate intervention of an expert appraiser to determine the possible damage and to resume navigation in the shortest possible time. The policies dedicated to pleasure boating are not all equal. Leave it to us to choose the most suitable coverage at the lowest premium.